Environmental Pollution due to the Operation of Gasoline Engines: Exhaust Gas Law
Koffi Sagna,
Komi Apélété Amou,
Tchamye Tcha Esso Boroze,
Djima Kassegne,
Amah d’Almeida,
Kossi Napo
Volume 5, Issue 4, July 2017
9 June 2017
23 June 2017
17 July 2017
Abstract: We investigate the law of exhaust gases in order to control the pollution that is increasingly present in our daily lives. Pollution is a degradation of the environment by non-natural materials in several environments constituting our universe. Thus, it intervenes as well in water, in the air as in the soil. It is mostly due to human activities, especially in urban areas and industrial areas, and the massive use of automobiles based on gasoline engines. The results show that this pollution is due in part to the existence of the mass and thermal discontinuity characterized by shock waves which occur during the evaporation process, precursor of the incomplete combustion in the combustion chamber of the engines [1, 2]. By analytical approach, we establish in this paper the law of the exhaust gases in poor and rich reaction media during combustion in the combustion chambers of gasoline engines in order to propose the ranges of adequate proportions of additive elements to the petrol. These engines, when operating, release various gaseous pollutants such as: carbon dioxide, oxides of carbon and nitrogen, unburnt hydrocarbons, which undoubtedly contribute to the nuisance and pollution of our environment.
Abstract: We investigate the law of exhaust gases in order to control the pollution that is increasingly present in our daily lives. Pollution is a degradation of the environment by non-natural materials in several environments constituting our universe. Thus, it intervenes as well in water, in the air as in the soil. It is mostly due to human activities, es...
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Present Gas Reserve Estimation Using Wireline Logging Data of Habiganj Gas Field, Bangladesh
Ananna Rahman,
Ashraf Ali Seddique,
Md. Hafijur Rahaman Khan,
Mijanur Rahman
Volume 5, Issue 4, July 2017
27 June 2017
10 July 2017
3 August 2017
Abstract: Habiganj Gas Field (HGF) is one of the most producing and promising gas field in Bangladesh which is ranked as second largest gas field in aspects of Gas Initially In Place (GIIP). It formed by a north south elongated anticline which lies in the northernmost end of the 130km long Baramura anticline from Tripura (India) in the south. This paper shows the present gas reserve estimation with a view of four gas producing wells (i.e. HBJ-7, HBJ-9, HBJ-10, and HBJ-11) in account of upper gas sand has been access via the investigation of lithology, wire line logging data and production data are used as parameter for volumetric method. The average water and gas saturation of the reservoir has also been determined by Archie equation. From the previous analysis with logging data of HGF, it was found that the Gas Water Contact (GWC) was at 1458m and at present it is at about 1415m. The upper gas sand lies at a depth of 1320m below the surface and has a maximum gross pay 230m thick. The gas sand shows average porosity 30% (calculated from the combination of neutron and density porosity logs) and average permeability in the range of 2-4 Darcy’s which indicates an excellent quality reservoir. The water saturation of Habiganj gas sand layer is considered for the depth range of 1330m to 1510m with 5m interval in-deed. Thereafter, water saturation and gas saturation of those wells (HBJ-7, HBJ-9, HBJ-10 and HBJ-11) are 27% and 73%, 29% and 71%, 15% and 85%, and 19% and 81% respectively. The gas formation volume factor (Bg) is estimated at about 0.0075 (rcf/scf) for the average 2053.13psi shut in pressure. From the above discussion it is found that the Gas Initially in Place by HBJ-7, HBJ-9, HBJ-10, and HBJ-11 wells are 5.35Tcf, 4.83Tcf, 5.71Tcf and 5.20Tcf respectively and the cumulative reserve for the HGF is 5.25Tcf while the recoverable reserve is 3.13Tcf. This study would be significant implications for reserve estimation and decision making in an effort to explore the present condition of gas reserve in HGF and the techniques described here can be used in other gas field as a base line for projections of gas reserve.
Abstract: Habiganj Gas Field (HGF) is one of the most producing and promising gas field in Bangladesh which is ranked as second largest gas field in aspects of Gas Initially In Place (GIIP). It formed by a north south elongated anticline which lies in the northernmost end of the 130km long Baramura anticline from Tripura (India) in the south. This paper show...
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Performance Appraisal of a Gamma-Type Stirling Engine
Kwasi-Effah C. C.,
Obanor A. I.,
Aisien F. A.,
Ogbeide O. O.
Volume 5, Issue 4, July 2017
3 February 2017
3 March 2017
23 October 2017
Abstract: The demand for energy is expanding due to increase in population and fast industrialization which started in the 20th century. As domestic and industrial systems make use of the accessible energy produced by energy systems, technological headway is critical for these systems to maximally use the accessible energy sources available in the world. Thus, interest in Stirling engine technology is growing once again. This paper utilizes a third order quasi-steady flow model to predict the performance of an experimental gamma type Stirling engine at the heater temperature of 1145K by simulating in MATLAB environment. A prediction error of 8.24% was obtained after comparing simulated performance with the experimental values. Empirical methods such as Beale and West analysis were also used to predict the performance of the Stirling engine. The quasi-steady flow model showed better accuracy when compared to other methods such as Beal and West analysis.
Abstract: The demand for energy is expanding due to increase in population and fast industrialization which started in the 20th century. As domestic and industrial systems make use of the accessible energy produced by energy systems, technological headway is critical for these systems to maximally use the accessible energy sources available in the world. Thu...
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Performance Investigation of a Series-Parallel Petrol-Electric Vehicle
C. C. Kwasi-Effah,
A. I. Obanor,
O. O. Ogbeide
Volume 5, Issue 4, July 2017
3 February 2017
3 March 2017
23 October 2017
Abstract: The energy savings potential of a 1325kg series-parallel petrol-electric vehicle was evaluated using simulated high way fuel economy test (HWFET) and urban dynamometer driving schedule (UDDS) drive cycle data. Analysis showed that, the average percentage reduction in fuel compared to the most efficient conventional car is approximately 60% combining both cycles. This paper also shows that, the regenerative braking system recovers at least 1% of the energy loss associated with the internal combustion engine in every 1.789km distance of the UDDS drive cycle and 3.756km in the highway drive cycle when compared to the conventional braking system.
Abstract: The energy savings potential of a 1325kg series-parallel petrol-electric vehicle was evaluated using simulated high way fuel economy test (HWFET) and urban dynamometer driving schedule (UDDS) drive cycle data. Analysis showed that, the average percentage reduction in fuel compared to the most efficient conventional car is approximately 60% combinin...
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Di Linh Clay-pillared by Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Bromide Used as an Antifouling Paint Additive
Nguyen Tien Thao,
Nguyen Thi Thuy Khue
Volume 5, Issue 4, July 2017
2 February 2017
14 February 2017
23 October 2017
Abstract: Di Linh (Lam Dong Province, Vietnam) clay was chemically treated and pillared by cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) surfactant under different preparation conditions. The synthesized organoclays were characterized by XRD, FT-IR, SEM, TEM, BET…techniques. The insertion of CTAB into the treated Di Linh clay leads to a significantly increased basal spacing. These pillared clays were further used as a paint additive. The preliminary results indicated that the presence of such an additive has a significant improvement of the mechanical properties of the organoclay-added paint.
Abstract: Di Linh (Lam Dong Province, Vietnam) clay was chemically treated and pillared by cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) surfactant under different preparation conditions. The synthesized organoclays were characterized by XRD, FT-IR, SEM, TEM, BET…techniques. The insertion of CTAB into the treated Di Linh clay leads to a significantly increased basa...
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